How to lift a motorcycle off the ground by yourself

Dropped Bike – Don’t Panic!

Recently I was out working in my shop.  My 1998 Harley Road King was egging me on for a ride, but I knew if I took a break, the day would quickly fad away on two wheels.  So, instead of jumping on for a quick ride (the better choice), I decided to move my bike so I could finish my work….and that’s when it happened.

With my mind on everything else, I wasn’t focused on my bike.  It quickly lost balance; and with me on the side instead of over-center, there was no way for me to save it.  For the first time since I’ve owned a bike (nearly 35 years), I dropped my bike.  I was devastated.  My next thought was how am I going to get this 700 + lb. bike up.  Fortunately, my 16-year-old son, who is built like Thor was home and gladly helped me raise her off the ground.  I’m also happy to report NO DAMAGE…she landed about as softly as she could on her crash bar.

But, this incident got me thinking about a few things:

  1. Man, I’ve gotten old and weak (trust me there are plenty of other things telling me this)
  2. If that happens without Will around, what the hell am I going to do?

So, I got online and found the following YouTube video.  At first, I was a little embarrassed I didn’t already know this, but then I was just flat out happy to learn how to lift a big bike by myself.  Hopefully, sharing this video will help you too, after all; we are all in this fight together!


Well, I hope you either already knew this information or me sharing this video helps you out someday. Of course, the better option is to just not drop your bike! For now, keep those wheels turning, enjoy the summer and stay safe!

Todd Wilson – STO Owner